The Blazers were established in 1989, organized and sponsored by Five Counties Children Centre until March 1998. Due to a progressive mandate of fully integrating the lives of youth into the community and budget restrictions, it became necessary to also integrate the organization, operation and sponsorship of the team into the community. The parents of the players took over this role and created the association as a Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Organization, with a general membership and executive board.

The parents and players have supported the Blazers fundraising efforts over the years by running BBQs, tag days, and direct sales efforts. Delta Bingo in Peterborough has become a major source of income for the Blazers in recent years!

The Kawartha Blazers Sledge Hockey club is made up of young people aged six and up. Most of whom have a disability and come from Peterborough City and County and the City of Kawartha Lakes. As an inclusive organization we do encourage able bodied players to join the teams when space allows. The players are placed in one of three teams, either Junior Development, age 6 and up (player development and recreational division), Intermediate Open competitive, age 15 and up (Non Contact Division), or Intermediate full contact (competitive), age 15 and up. Skill, ability, and age are factored in when determining which level players are placed in.

Our programs provide the players an exciting and excellent opportunity to socialize and participate in great Canadian sport of Hockey.

Sledge Hockey is generally played with the same rules as able-bodied hockey, with a few modifications. Sledge Hockey players sit on a sledge which sits about 4” above the ice and has two skate blades at the back with a runner at the front. Players propel themselves around the ice by using two short sticks with a pick on one end and a curved blade on the other. Helmets, neck guards, shoulder & elbow pads, shin guards and gloves are used to protect players from injury. Players who have very limited upper body use have people called “pushers” who help push them around the ice. Players are able to stick handle, pass the puck to teammates and take shots on net.

The Club provides the sledge, picks (sticks), shoulder and elbow pads, neck guard, chin pads, and gloves. For sanitary reasons we ask the players to provide a CSA approved helmet complete with a face cage. Players are encouraged to wear skate boots or another form of substantial foot wear to protect their feet.

The team practices Monday evenings from 6pm to 7pm on the Leon's Pad at the Healthy Planet Arena (formerly the Evinrude Centre) in Peterborough, Ontario starting late September through to April. It has been a long standing policy of the club to allow players to try sledge hockey for two (2) practices to make sure it is a good fit for the player and their family before requiring a commitment. Please feel free to contact the club to arrange your trial practices.